


Are you an artist, maker, or small business who would benefit from financial support, from access to our makerspace, tools, and knowledge base, and from engagement with our creative and collaborative community?

We provide grants to fledgling artists, makers, performers, and creative businesses. Reducing the cost of getting started is the best way to ensure our community succeeds. We’d love to hear about your project and how you could thrive with a grant from the Hunters of Avalon Foundation.

Maker Grants

Maker grants are for people who want to create a unique new product to mass produce. Maybe it’s a clever puzzle, a board game, or a fancy new hot pot holder. Maybe you just need some money to buy a 3d printer or materials. Select this type of grant if you fancy yourself a maker.

Artist Grants

Artist grants are loosely defined as one off “art projects”. It could be a light up fairy costume, a large tree sculpture, a painting, or anything else that is a singular expression of your creativity! You may or may not want to sell the art piece, but you aren’t producing identical pieces for mass distribution. These grants can go toward paying for an artist studio, supplies, or labor/production help.

Performance Grants

Would you like to be an aerialist, fire spinner, sword fighter, musician, or other performer? Performance grants are intended to help you on your way! You can use them to pay for classes, buy costumes or equipment, or anything else that will help you hone your craft.

Marketing Grants

Marketing is one of the hardest challenges for any small business. These grants will help you get your name out, run ads, pay for a tradeshow booth, or pay a designer to help you get your first website up and going. Having a great product is only a start and we want to help you get your name out there.

Grant Application Form

About You

Your Name(Required)
Your Email Address(Required)

Tell us about your grant request

How much money do you need to accomplish your goals?